zondag 6 november 2011

WMS challenge van 5 november

deze kaart gemaakt voor mijn vriendin, die in december 40 jaar getrouwd is.

8 opmerkingen:

Kelly S. zei

What a beautiful anniversary card, Carla! I love the pink and green colors, and how you framed the 40 in the oval image! The arches at the top are so lovely, and the tiny rosebuds and pearls so sweet!

anya zei

Such a pretty card, Carla! I love all the details you included on this card.. the punched border, the rounded off top, and the pearls and flowers! Thanks for joining us for the WMS Sketch Challenge this week!

Teresa Kline zei

fabulous Anniversary card...luv the script at the bottom and the sweet pink bows and flowers...hope your week is wonderful!

enjoy *~*

Karin Åkesdotter zei

Oh WOW Carla - this is so beautiful! Love the colors and all the wonderful little details! Great job!

Deborah Frings zei

Such a pretty anniversary card - love the colours and the way you've got the date along the ribbon! Fab!

Julia Aston zei

Love the green and white and pretty roses!

Pauline zei

Very pretty card, love the delicate colours and little roses, gorgeous!

Robin zei

Fab card!!