zondag 29 april 2012

WMS challenge van 28 april

Just for you met een lekker stukje zeep!

9 opmerkingen:

~Tammy~ zei

So so neat! I love your take! Happy to be a new follower!

Teresa Kline zei

so cute, fabulous details!

enjoy *~*

Marybeth zei

Gorgeous creative card!

Kelly S. zei

Such lovely details to take in! That striped paper is so pretty with the lace edge on top. Then you open the card and it's so pretty on the inside, TOO! So pretty, Carla!

Karin Åkesdotter zei

What a wonderful and creative take on the sketch!! Very beautiful! LOVE it!

Edna Morrisedie zei

Lovely use of elements across this card! Thanks for playing along with the Mischief Makers this week!!

Jen Cuthbertson zei

Carla, you are the queen of card interiors! Another great job!!

Julia Aston zei

Love this fold card and all the creative pieces on it! Thanks for playing with the WMS sketch this week!

Savitri zei

Awwww, so pretty!!! Love this, inside AND out!