dinsdag 17 juli 2012

WMS chalenge the 17th

This is my garden. I used it for inspiration.
Pure happiness: sitting in my garden, reading a book,
birds flying, bees humming and sunbeams on my face.

This is the end result!!!!!

13 opmerkingen:

Julia Aston zei

What a beautiful garden you have Carla - and your inspired card is just lovely with the pretty bench and butterflies!

Skye zei

Your garden is lovely. What beautiful hydrangea. Your card is lovely and captures the feeling of tranquility of your garden

Cathy Weber zei

I would LOVE to sit in your garden...so pretty! Your card is a wonderful representation of your picture, love that bench and the butterflies.

Vickie Z zei

Fabulous garden!! Love the bench and butterflies on your card...so perfect!

Peanut zei

Beautiful garden, Carla. Mine is looking crispy right now! You've managed to put your garden on your card -brilliant! hugs

Sarah zei

Your garden is stunning...very inspirational! I love your card - very serene.

Renee zei

I would sit in your garden in a heartbeat...
it's gorgeous!!!
I can see why you would gain so much inspiration from it...
I would want to spend all my time there...
curled up with a good book and cup of coffee! :)
And what a beautiful card...
definitely speaks to the outdoors!

anya zei

What a beautiful garden, Carla! I love the way you've interpreted your fabulous area to your card!

Marybeth zei

Hi Carla. Wow your garden is just amazing and hydrangea is my favorite flower. I would sit outside all day just to look at them. Your card is beautiful as well. Love the bird on the bench and the pretty butterflies!

Kelly S. zei

Oh my those hydrangeas are amazing, Carla! Like Marybeth, they are my favorite flower, too...especially the blue ones! Your garden is wonderful and your evokes the feel perfectly! Love the bird perched on the bench with the butterflies fluttering about!

Pauline zei

Wow! Love your garden! If only it would stop raining!
Love your card, so pretty!

Unknown zei

A beautiful card Carla, your garden is so pretty, it would be lovely to relax there! and thank you so much for playing along with us at WMS!

Grá O'Neill zei

You've created a beautiful scene on your card, the perfect place to relax :)