zondag 8 juli 2012

WMS challenge van 7 juli

Als je aan het reepje papier trekt, komt de binnenkant tevoorschijn! Erg leuke challenge. Papier van PION en stempels aan de voorkant van WMS. In het echt zijn de kleuren toch altijd mooier. Fijne week allemaal.

14 opmerkingen:

Kelly S. zei

More beautiful papers, Carla! I would love to come over to see your papers, you must have quite the lovely stack tucked away in your closet :) What a creative way to place the pearls...they make me think of a butterfly's wing! Beautiful sketch card, as always!

Kim Heggins zei

So beautiful! Wow, very classy and elegant, I love that cameo too.

Teresa Kline zei

so vintage and beautiful....have a wonderful week!

enjoy *~*

Karin Åkesdotter zei

WOW - What an elegant and BEAUTIFUL card!!! LOve all your wonderful details and great take on the sketch!
Hugs, Karin

Vickie Z zei

Lovely card!! The papers are wonderful and creative how it opens!

Renee zei

Such a beautiful, creative take on the sketch, Carla!
Love those pearls...
it's looks like a butterfly you way you have them laid...
and such gorgeous papers!! :)

Anoniem zei

Carla, I am just so very impressed with your work! I have looked at a few other cards of yours and they are all so spectacular! I love this one especially! Thanks for sharing your creations!
Melinda - Winter Bear

Unknown zei

Hi Carla,
You've created such an elegant card and I'm fond of that cameo image. :) Mine came in the mail recently and can't wait to ink it up. I've been browsing your blog too & your cards are so elegant. I joined {white rabbit} so I won't miss a thing. :)
Thanks for the sweet comment you left me!
Lisa xx

Marybeth zei

So beautiful and elegant! Love the gorgeous paper too Carla.

Karen M zei

Beautiful card, Carla, as are the rest of your cards. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog about the stitching! Kx

Skye zei

A beautiful elegant card. Lovely papers and original card design

Stella zei

Prachtig in die neutrale tinten. Ik vind deze "poeder-achtige"tinten supermooi. En...ik vind je kaart chic en elegant!

Fijne avond!

En bedankt voor je berichtje op mijn blog; vind ik hartstikke leuk!

Sarah zei

Very delicate and pretty.The inside is beautiful too.

Jeanne J. zei

Hi Carla! This is so elegant. Love the papers, your pearls and embellishments, and of course that cameo. A real stunner!