zaterdag 14 juli 2012

WMS challenge van 14 juli

Het weer is hier zo slecht: hartje zomer, maar regen, veel regen en koud!
Dus veel tijd om aan de challenge te werken.
Over 3 dagen de challenge van de 17th!
Dus tot over 3 dagen. Fijn weekend allemaal.

14 opmerkingen:

Cathy McGrath zei

Love the papers...just gorgeous!

Teresa Kline zei

oh my, the inside is awesome too, luv this.....have a super great day!

enjoy *~*

Maureen zei

So soft and pretty!

Pauline zei

So pretty Carla, what a fabulous card!

Karin Åkesdotter zei

This is so sweet, delicate and beautiful - love how you made the inside as beautiful as the outside.
Thanks so much for playing with the WMSC, Hugs, Karin

Claire zei

Beautiful card Carla - you've obviously put so much work into this. I'm sure it will be really appreciated by whoever receives it!

Lynn Mercurio zei

Beautifully done, Carla. Love these soft blue colors with your addition of the's divine!

Melinda zei

Beautifully done, Carla! Love the colors!
Melinda - Winter Bear

Jeanne J. zei

Hi Carla! Another beauty! Love the soft blue and all the fabulous embellishments - the scalloped edge, the butterflies, so pretty!

Kate zei

So pretty Carla. Love the colours and so many nice little touches.

Kim Heggins zei

Fabulous cards, the colors so sweet and soft.

Julia Aston zei

So pretty inside and out! love the blue and white and lovely ribbons! thanks for playing with the WMS sketch this week!

Jean Martin zei

Wow this is so elegant! I love that you took the time to make the inside pretty as well! Thanks for joining us at WMSC! Hope to see your work again soon! :)

Lenet zei

prachtiig kaartje ! bedankt dat je weer meedoet met ons bij Waltzing Mouse....wat heb je trouwesn een prachtige tuin!!